Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Forward Bible Camp: Part One: Charissa and TJ :)

Last Saturday, I was on cloud nine, as I drove back from Forward Bible Camp near Georgetown, CA (If you don't know where that is, just imagine driving for 1 1/2 hours east of Sacramento, CA, on a windy road up a mountain.). God did such amazing things at camp that I have to share it with you!
Here is how it all began. During my second year at Shasta Bible College, I had the most amazing roommate ever: Charissa. We were already great friends from the year before and were excited to spend a whole year as roommates. Actually, she was a little worried that we wouldn't get much sleeping done, just a lot of talking. She was a senior and I was a sophomore. I have always admired Charissa from the first time I met her: her beautifully, amazing smile, contagious love for Jesus, willingness to serve Him, and the fact that she does 110% at all she does. She also really likes sunflowers and had a cute little black Jetta named Vonn. She is a missionary kid as well; and wanted to work at camps, especially with horses. That year, she did student teaching, worked, got engaged, and planned a!! I was surprised when she announced that she was dating TJ Morris, because I didn't even know they liked each other. It should have been pretty obvious with all the time they spent together studying Greek, playing guitar, and the fact that they were almost the only ones in Youth Ministry classes....oh well! When they got engaged, Charissa asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding:)
After they were married, it just so worked out that Charissa's dad, the camp director at Forward Bible Camp, was able to lead them in an internship to be camp directors. They have completed their internship and are now working on support raising to be full-time missionaries with American Missionary Fellowship, leading Forward Bible Camp. They both do an amazing job: they are a great team! TJ's leadership skills and fun personality blend well with Charissa's hospitality and love for camp!

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