Friday, January 1, 2010

Praise and Prayer Report 2009

Mary’s Moments:

Praise & Prayer Report


Dear Friends,

God has continued to bless the ministry of CEF of Polk County as well as my life, as you pray and give! I trust you have enjoyed reading updates of what God has been doing. From the fall to the summer, God continues to provide enough workers, financial support, and children to keep this ministry going. I praise Lord that, of all the places He could have moved me in His service, He has moved me only three hours away from my family in Grants Pass. I enjoy seeing them often at basketball games and track meets. It has been fun having my brother Noah just 15 minutes away at Corban College this year. I am amazed at how my younger siblings are growing up so quickly! God continues to show me how blessed I am to be part of a large family. Many of you have been praying for my mom, Pam, who has been fighting cancer for a couple years. During the summer, she underwent a major, yet successful cancer preventative surgery. Since then, she has felt more energy. We would appreciate your continued prayers as doctors reports continue to show the liver cancer is spreading.

In the midst of ministry, I have enjoyed quite a few adventures this past year. One highlight includes attending the CEF Conference Cruise in the Caribbean in May! It was so fun having my parents on the cruise as well as being re-united with friends that attended the Children’s Ministry Institute (CMI) and are now working with CEF. When we docked at the Cayman Islands, I had a blast traveling with a group to hold stingrays—the only place on earth where stingrays are friendly. In Jamaica, some of us on the cruise joined up with CEF nationals on the Islands to hold short evangelistic meetings in schools and orphanages. What an amazing experience! After the conference, I was able to visit a family working with CEF in New Hampshire, the Curriers and friend Ruth Boulter. This wonderful family adopted me while we were at CMI, and we have kept in contact ever since. One cannot help but feel loved when 6 kids all want to spend time with you!

In July, I drove to Grants Pass to share my “life story” with140 kids attending Day Camp, who sponsored me as their camp missionary. I’d like to thank my Dad, the CEF director in Grants Pass, for making that possible!

In September, I took another trip to Hawaii to visit my brother Dan, wife Brandi, little Eliana, and sister Joy (who lives with them). At 1 ½, Elli is very active, loves to talk and play with her aunties and uncles!

November found me making a long trip to Redding, CA to visit Shasta Bible College, my former college, and share the ministry of CEF. I felt so incredibly blessed to be able to share this kids ministry with professors and friends at my old school and church!

After enjoying a wonderful 9 months of living with David and Grace King in Falls City, I moved to Salem to be closer to the CEF office. Although I still get to see this family at church, I miss living with them very much! I love the fact that the girls still pray for “Miss Mary” during bedtime prayers. God has had a way of putting me with loving families! My current roommates are all staff with YWAM of Salem, one of them being my former high-school teacher, Rhoda Scherrer. It has been very encouraging to live with other young ladies who are serving in Christian leadership.

At this time last year, I was uncertain about continuing on as Coordinator of CEF for Polk County. After much seeking the Lord, I came to the conclusion that He is not finished with me yet in Polk County! I continue to seek the Lord for His timing as I would eventually like to go back to school to pursue a Masters in Teaching and/or teach at a Christian School.

Thanking God for You,

Mary Cunningham