Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Day With Lydia

When was the last day you had a "chilax" day? I mean, really just put aside your worries and pressing tasks, and focused on the people around you, enjoying the time to be with them? Well, today wasn't supposed to be a day like that, but it turned out to be; thank goodness, because I sure needed it! After staying up late for a "moonlight walk" with my sisters, last night, we were all ready to sleep in. Lydia came over to spend the night with Joy and I, at the house where we are house sitting. We began the day with exercising, and then had a great breakfast of banana pancakes with whip cream and chocolate chips (well that’s what Lydia had). Then I dove into packing for camp, finishing up school assignments and watering the yard. Lydia is such a great helper to have around: she was literally my willing slave for the day! Well, God changed my plans to leave for camp today, so I was able to lay aside all the stress and just enjoy the day …with Lydia!
She dressed up and we took fun and crazy pictures. Then we went to the Rogue River for a swim. We have our favorite jumping rock that we swim to on the other side of the river. A whole bunch of Jet-Boats came by, and all the people stared, but they made cool waves for us. Then we made homemade ice-cream (which turned out to be soft serve, but was so delicious!). Oh yeah, we also played with Lydia’s new baby guinea pigs. Lydia is a brilliant, insightful, sold-in-her-faith, good listening, patient, quiet, and sweet sister. I just love her and am so glad I got to spend un-interrupted time with her today!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Forward Bible Camp: Part Two

So you read about Charissa and TJ, right? :) Good. It just so happened that Charissa got the grand idea of asking me to be their junior high girls Chapel Speaker this summer. I wasn't sure how it would work out, but God did! After leaving my position with CEF in Polk County, OR, I moved home at the beginning of July. It was perfect timing!
Although I was rather overwhelmed at the thought of teaching junior-highers, I found that I had too many great things to share with them! God really put all the lessons together for those specific girls, as I asked Him to. Topics ranged from purity, and modesty, to valuing yourself as God's Princess, making sure your faith is real - not legalistic, and then sharing your faith (Wordless Book Bracelets). The Themes of the week were: You are a Princess, Jesus is Central, and God made you the way you are and is completely satisfied with you.
I didn't really know how all the lessons were sinking in, until about Thursday, when some of the girls began to share things they were learning with me. I had 7 - 30 min. sessions to teach in all. I wanted the girls to see me as a real person, with real faults, and someone they could come talk to about anything (some girls did:). Praise God for the ability to share my heart with these precious daughters of His. On the last night, during campfire, God showed me just how He had been working through the messages all week. Girls shared how excited they were to learn how to share their faith (Wordless Book) to their unsaved family. One girl broke down while telling us how much her heart hurt for her sister who didn't know Jesus. Another girl shared about a relationship she was in that was wrong and that she knew she needed to get it right. I just felt like a wimp listening to these 11, 12, 13 year old girls talk about how they were going to share Jesus and make changes in their lives. Wow. And I told them how amazing they were!
I just have to say, if you are wanting an exciting change in your life and a chance to love people, you should definitely consider going to camp for a week. God will change you forever!

Forward Bible Camp: Part One: Charissa and TJ :)

Last Saturday, I was on cloud nine, as I drove back from Forward Bible Camp near Georgetown, CA (If you don't know where that is, just imagine driving for 1 1/2 hours east of Sacramento, CA, on a windy road up a mountain.). God did such amazing things at camp that I have to share it with you!
Here is how it all began. During my second year at Shasta Bible College, I had the most amazing roommate ever: Charissa. We were already great friends from the year before and were excited to spend a whole year as roommates. Actually, she was a little worried that we wouldn't get much sleeping done, just a lot of talking. She was a senior and I was a sophomore. I have always admired Charissa from the first time I met her: her beautifully, amazing smile, contagious love for Jesus, willingness to serve Him, and the fact that she does 110% at all she does. She also really likes sunflowers and had a cute little black Jetta named Vonn. She is a missionary kid as well; and wanted to work at camps, especially with horses. That year, she did student teaching, worked, got engaged, and planned a!! I was surprised when she announced that she was dating TJ Morris, because I didn't even know they liked each other. It should have been pretty obvious with all the time they spent together studying Greek, playing guitar, and the fact that they were almost the only ones in Youth Ministry classes....oh well! When they got engaged, Charissa asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding:)
After they were married, it just so worked out that Charissa's dad, the camp director at Forward Bible Camp, was able to lead them in an internship to be camp directors. They have completed their internship and are now working on support raising to be full-time missionaries with American Missionary Fellowship, leading Forward Bible Camp. They both do an amazing job: they are a great team! TJ's leadership skills and fun personality blend well with Charissa's hospitality and love for camp!
Ok ...I know that if you were to look at my blog right now...there are just a few words to describe it: lame and sad might be a couple of those words! I admit I am a person of great intentions, but don't always finish what I start. Well, the real reason why this blog has been neglected is because I am a very busy person. I really don't have time! Being a CEF Director, taking Master Classes, teaching Sunday School & Children's Church, attending weekly meetings for CEF and Bible Study, trying to keep up friendships, and then, finally, preparing to hand CEF over to another director and can certainly agree with me that it was just too much.
Yet, I am at a place where I would like to start it up again.
The other day I was talking with my sister Joy. We were discussing the pros and cons (mainly cons) of facebook. Facebook has become so popular that it is not a practical means of keeping up friendships anymore. Instead, I find myself looking at status updates of friends that I never even thought about before they became my friend on facebook. Not that it is wrong; it certainly has helped me connect with friends that I had lost contact with from highschool and before. But I realized that my deepest friendships have nothing to do with facebook. In fact, the valuable friendships around me are diminishing, as I pour time and effort into facebook and not into them.
So now here I am, at a time in my life where I have friends spread out all over the USA and beyond. And I have many wonderful suppoters through CEF that would like to keep up with my life (for which I am grateful!). Yes, facebook is a blessing for staying in touch, but I am looking forward to letting you know what is going on in my life apart from facebook:) I am looking foward to your comments too!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Praise and Prayer Report 2009

Mary’s Moments:

Praise & Prayer Report


Dear Friends,

God has continued to bless the ministry of CEF of Polk County as well as my life, as you pray and give! I trust you have enjoyed reading updates of what God has been doing. From the fall to the summer, God continues to provide enough workers, financial support, and children to keep this ministry going. I praise Lord that, of all the places He could have moved me in His service, He has moved me only three hours away from my family in Grants Pass. I enjoy seeing them often at basketball games and track meets. It has been fun having my brother Noah just 15 minutes away at Corban College this year. I am amazed at how my younger siblings are growing up so quickly! God continues to show me how blessed I am to be part of a large family. Many of you have been praying for my mom, Pam, who has been fighting cancer for a couple years. During the summer, she underwent a major, yet successful cancer preventative surgery. Since then, she has felt more energy. We would appreciate your continued prayers as doctors reports continue to show the liver cancer is spreading.

In the midst of ministry, I have enjoyed quite a few adventures this past year. One highlight includes attending the CEF Conference Cruise in the Caribbean in May! It was so fun having my parents on the cruise as well as being re-united with friends that attended the Children’s Ministry Institute (CMI) and are now working with CEF. When we docked at the Cayman Islands, I had a blast traveling with a group to hold stingrays—the only place on earth where stingrays are friendly. In Jamaica, some of us on the cruise joined up with CEF nationals on the Islands to hold short evangelistic meetings in schools and orphanages. What an amazing experience! After the conference, I was able to visit a family working with CEF in New Hampshire, the Curriers and friend Ruth Boulter. This wonderful family adopted me while we were at CMI, and we have kept in contact ever since. One cannot help but feel loved when 6 kids all want to spend time with you!

In July, I drove to Grants Pass to share my “life story” with140 kids attending Day Camp, who sponsored me as their camp missionary. I’d like to thank my Dad, the CEF director in Grants Pass, for making that possible!

In September, I took another trip to Hawaii to visit my brother Dan, wife Brandi, little Eliana, and sister Joy (who lives with them). At 1 ½, Elli is very active, loves to talk and play with her aunties and uncles!

November found me making a long trip to Redding, CA to visit Shasta Bible College, my former college, and share the ministry of CEF. I felt so incredibly blessed to be able to share this kids ministry with professors and friends at my old school and church!

After enjoying a wonderful 9 months of living with David and Grace King in Falls City, I moved to Salem to be closer to the CEF office. Although I still get to see this family at church, I miss living with them very much! I love the fact that the girls still pray for “Miss Mary” during bedtime prayers. God has had a way of putting me with loving families! My current roommates are all staff with YWAM of Salem, one of them being my former high-school teacher, Rhoda Scherrer. It has been very encouraging to live with other young ladies who are serving in Christian leadership.

At this time last year, I was uncertain about continuing on as Coordinator of CEF for Polk County. After much seeking the Lord, I came to the conclusion that He is not finished with me yet in Polk County! I continue to seek the Lord for His timing as I would eventually like to go back to school to pursue a Masters in Teaching and/or teach at a Christian School.

Thanking God for You,

Mary Cunningham