Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hailey's Poem

On days like today, I really miss my mom! It just doesn't seem real that she is not here anymore to be a part of our lives. People have told me that over time we will miss her more, and that is very true.

So, on days like today, I pull out the letter, cards, and in this case, poems, people have written to us during our loss. Here is a poem I must share with you, written by one of my 5th grade students. Beware, its a tear-jerker!

From: Hailey, For Miss Cunningham

"Your family [is] sweet your family [is] nice
why does your mom have to go?

Now she had to go I'm so sorry!
Well, Lord wants her up [to] glory
She's going to have a funeral pretty soon now
I'm glad I got to meet her so young and so sweet
When I go up to Heaven I would like to see her
but also now she is an angle, happy and so loveable
Well it is going to take a while to cheer up
but God is with your family now
he is going to love all your hearts.

Your heart is saved."

Thank you Hailey!

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